1. 团队概况:
2. 团队成员(按姓氏顺序):
3. 学术成果:
Cai, Huan. (2018). An Empirical Study of Investors’ Disposition Effect in China Based on Open Data from the Chinese Stock Markets. International Journal of Economics and Finance.
Cai, Huan. (2019).A Dual-Channel Integrated Approach to Supply Chain Marketing in the Context of Big Data. Conference Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Project Management, Chongqing, China.
Cai, Huan. (2020).Pricing Strategies in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain with Sales Efforts and Channel Conflicts. IEEE ACCESS.
Guo, Guihang., Wang, Jingyuan., Xie, Weizhen., Deng, Zhishan., Chen, Zihuang., Yu, Xiaohui. & Cai, Jindie.(2021).A Proposed Business Model for Customized Shared Farms in the Chinese Market Based on A National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program. International Business Research.
Guo, Guihang., Liao, Ning. & Guo, Chuyao.(2022).Influence of Intellectual Property Policies on China’s International Service Trade. International Journal of Economics and Finance.
Guo, Guihang., Li, Ying. & Fengmin.(2021).A Research on the Negative Attitude of Bilibili Users to the Product Placement in Videos of Content Creators. Proceedings of The 2021 12th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2021).
Guo, Guihang., Li, Ying. & Zhong,Chuqiao.(2022).The Influence of Brand Cultural Marketing on Consumers’ Willingness to Participate in Value Co-Creation. Proceedings of 2022 13th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics.
Guo, Guihang., Wu, Yanqin. & Guo, Chuyao.(2021).Research on Logistics Cost Control of E-Commerce Enterprise from the Perspective of Value Chain: A Case Study of Pinduoduo. International Journal of Economics and Finance.
Guo, Guihang. (2020).A Corpus-Based Study of Heteroglossic Features in 2018 BRICS Talk from the Perspective of Engagement System. English Linguistics Research.
Guo, Guihang. (2020).An Analysis of Boeing’s Trust-Repair Discourse. English Language and Literature Studies.
Guo, Guihang. (2020).An Analysis of the Profit Model and Its Financial Evaluation of GOME Retail Holdings Limited under the New Retail. Proceedings of 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data Technologies ICBDT 2020.
Guo, Guihang. (2020).Factors Influencing University Students Intention to Redeem Digital Takeaway Coupons-Analysis Based on A Survey in China. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology:IoT and Smart City.
Jang, Yong. & Cai, Huan.(2021).The Impact of Impulsive Consumption on Supply Chain in the Live-Streaming Economy. IEEE Access.
Li, Li. & Zhang, Jingya. (2021).An Investigation of Psychological Contract in Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Business and Management.
Li, Li. & Zhang, Jingya. (2022).Turnover Intention: Impacts of Abusive Supervision and Thriving at Work. International Journal of Business and Management.
Li, Xuyan.(2022).The Discursive Construction of Corporate Identity in the Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: A Case Study of Starbucks. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY.
Li, Ying. & Guo, Guihang.(2022).Optimal Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Assets with Consumer’s No-Show Behavior. Proceedings of 2022 the 5th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science.
Li, Ying. (2018).Overconfident Newsvendor’s Joint Pricing and Ordering Decisions under the Additive Demand Case. International Journal of Business and Management.
Li, Ying. (2020).Retailers Ordering Decision with Overconfident Consumers. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City.
Li, Ying. (2020).Study on the Perishable Product’s Pricing Decision with Overconfident Consumers in the Dual-Channel Setting. International Journal of Business Administration.
Li, Ying. (2020).Study on The Pricing of Perishable Products in The Supply Chain with Overconfident Consumers. 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data Technologies.
Mao, Yinhui. & Jiang, Yong.(2022).Walka z ubóstwem i rewitalizacja obszarów wiejskich: Ścieżka rozwoju obszarów wiejskich o specyfi cznej dla Chin charakterystyce. Dziennik Trybuna.
Qing, Song.(2019).The Path of Upgrading the Competitiveness of Logistics Enterprises in the New Retail Environment. Conference Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2019.
Wu, Yiming, Wang, Zhonghua & He, Zijun.(2021).Study on Ecological Protection and Restoration :from the Perspective of a New Public Governance Model. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ISSN : 2055-0286).
Wu, Yiming.(2018).A Study on Cultural Conflicts Faced by Chinese Enterprises in Africa: A Case of Huajian Group. Advances in Socail Sciences Research Journal ,Vol5.
Wu, Yiming.(2019).A Study on the Relations Between Chinese Government and Private Enterprises on the Course of Internationalization: A Case of Huajian Group. Advances in Social Sciences Reserch Journal.
Wu, Yiming.(2020).A Study on Intercultural Contact Factors and Acculturation: a Survey of African Merchants in Guangzhou. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.
Wu, Yiming.(2022).Study on Cross-cultural Adaptation of Expatriates: A Case of GJWJ in India. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.
Yang, Wenhui, Cheng, Linyan & Zhen, Kaiyue.(2020).Cognitive Analysis of the “Discourse Stances” in English News Reports on Smog in China and America. International Journal of English Linguistics.
Yang, Wenhui, he, Jun & Fu, Baoyu.(2020).A Cognitive Approach to the Metaphor Translation of “Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life”. Journal of Critical studies in Language and Literature.
Yang, Wenhui, Liu, Xiaofang & Zhen, Kaiyue.(2019).Current Discourse Space in Sino-American Economic News on “The Belt and Road”. Cross-cultural Communication.
Yang, Wenhui, Tan, Yiyan, Li, Xinye & Wang, Yiran.(2022).A Cross-cultural Analysis of Sentiment in “COVID-19” Reportage of CCTV News and The New York Times. Cross-Cultrual Communication.
Yang, Wenhui, Zhang, Fan, Wen, Haojun & Zhen, Kaiyue.(2019).“Reporting or Interpreting?”--A Discoursal Study of Broadcasts on NBA Games in China. Studies in Linguistics and Literature.
Yang, Wenhui, Zhao, Junpeng & Zhen, Kaiyue.(2018).A Schematic Discoursal Study of Chinese Football Commercial Transfer News. Studies in Media and Communication.
Yang, Wenhui.(2018).Analysis of Differential Expressions of Long Non-coding RNAs in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Using Next-Generation Deep Sequencing. Journal of Cancer.
Yang, Wenhui.(2021).The Cognitive Processes of Image Schema in Sino-American Economic News on The Belt and Road. Canadian Social Science.
Zheng, Tie.(2022).Intention to Use a VR Learning System: A Moderated Mediation Model.
郝佳,邓雅文 & 周懿瑾.(2022).文化混搭策略对新媒体传播效果的影响——基于“共青团中央”微博账号的大数据调研分析. 2022年中国高等院校市场学研究会(CMAU)学术年会暨博士生论坛.
郝佳,王艺菱,麦子山,蔡卓妍,刘慧慧 & 李鑫怡.(2022).乡村振兴战略如何进行有效宣传?——大数据视域下乡村振兴宣传在语言风格上的路径探索. 广东社会科学学术年会.
何安平 & 郭桂杭.(2020).语料库关键词与专业话语国外研究述评. 外语学刊(01),18-23.
蒋涌 & 刘小枭.(2022).2021年罗马尼亚文化发展报告. 中东欧国家文化发展报告.
蒋涌.(2020).塞尔维亚文化治理专题报告. 中东欧国家文化发展报告.
蒋涌.(2021).罗马尼亚非物质文化遗产保护专题报告. 中东欧国家文化发展报告.
蒋涌 & 冯梓晴.(2021).塞尔维亚文化融资的个人参与——以众筹为例. 欧洲语言文化研究(02),123-137+158.
李丽.(2018).角色压力对工作满意度的影响关系研究. 企业改革与管理(23),67-68.
李丽.(2018).外贸公司基层员工的工作压力现状研究. 企业改革与管理(20),65-66.
李丽.(2021).基于新生代员工感知的工作压力对职业倦怠的影响研究. 企业改革与管理(23),88-90.
李丽.(2022).外贸企业员工工作压力对工作投入的影响研究. 企业改革与管理(19),57-59.
李欣叶 & 杨文慧.(2022).探析新时代讲好中国故事的短视频传播策略——以李子柒短视频为例. 文化产业(35),59-62.
王小海.(2018).数据挖掘技术在电子商务管理中的应用探讨. 活力
杨国涛.(2018).中远集团海外企业自强启示录——基于中远(巴基斯坦)卡拉奇公司访谈. 湖南涉外经济学院学报.
杨国涛.(2018).前往巴国投资营商 企业该预警什么 基于巴基斯坦中资公司走访调研. 上海企业(10),72-75.
杨文慧 & 刘小芳.(2018).外媒对中国高铁新闻报道的认知构建——基于力动态理论. 广东外语外贸大学学报(06),68-77.
Yang, Wenhui.(2020).“A Cross-cultural Study of Commercial Media Discourses: From the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics”. Springer.
蒋涌.(2021).《谈判交际博弈论》. 北京:科学出版社.
茅银辉, 蒋涌等.(2022).《中东欧国家文化发展报告》.北京:社会科学文献出版社.
茅银辉, 蒋涌等.(2021).《中东欧国家文化发展报告》. 北京:社会科学文献出版社.
杨文慧.(2019).《认知语义学视角下的跨文化商务传媒语篇研究》. 北京:科学出版社.
隋广军, 吴易明等.(2022).《2020-2021年拉丁美洲蓝皮书》.北京:经济管理出版社.
刘继森, 吴易明等.(2020).《中非合作广东在行动》(全三册). 北京:社会科学文献出版社.
Jiang, Yong.(2021). “Reform of the International Monetary System:Chinese Perspectives and Strategies”.Word Scientific.
康蕾.(2018).《精神分析与心灵治疗》. 北京:中国法制出版社.
4. 学术交流:
第十四届教育技术及计算机国际会议(The 14th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers) 国际学术会议 西班牙巴塞罗那大学 2022
第四届国际创意管理专委会年会 国际学术会议 华侨大学工商管理学院 2022
重庆市商务英语研究会第六届年会暨“双一流”背景下的商务英语人才培养研讨会 省级会议 重庆市商务英语研究会 2021
第六届 21 世纪海上丝绸之路国际智库论坛平行论坛 中国-欧洲人文交流: 人才培养与国别研究 国际学术会议 广东外语外贸大学 2021
高校教师课程思政教学能力培训会议 国内学术会议 教育部全国高校教师网络培训中心 2021
高校教师课程思政教学能力培训 国内学术会议 教育部全国高校教师网络培训中心 2021
新文科背景下商务英语学科建设研讨会1 国内学术会议 上海对外经贸大学 2021
中国英汉语比较研究会第十四次全国学术研讨会暨2021英汉语比较与翻译研究国际研讨会 国际学术会议 中国英汉语比较研究会 2021
第十届工商管理高峰论坛2021 国内学术会议 清华大学出版社 2021
第十届工商管理高峰论坛暨师资培训---课程思政背景下的工商管理教学创新 国内学术会议 清华大学出版社有限公司 2021
第十届工商管理高峰论坛 国内学术会议 清华大学出版社有限公司 2021
第十届工商管理高峰论坛暨师资培训 国内学术会议 清华大学出版社有限公司 2021
“新技术背景下的翻译人才培养模式”高端论坛 国内学术会议 上海对外经贸大学 2021
ICEME 2021 国际学术会议 北京工业大学 2021
典型案例 典型归纳 多维视角——基于典型案例库的模块化研究 学校会议 广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心 / 76net必赢官网 2021
2021年度国家社会科学基金后期资助暨优秀博士论文出版项目申报指导会 学校会议 广东外语外贸大学 2021